I talked about my coworker before on here and named her Jen. (that is actually a horrible name for her, but I just made myself a cheat sheet of names so I am sticking with it) First thing is we actually don't work together anymore but we used to and that is how I met her. Anyways she is friends with a completely different group of people than my normal group of friends and I really enjoy hanging out with all of them. The feel of that group is way different from my friends. Much more bro tastic guys and girls who wear heels and dresses out and they all rage hard all the time. That being said they are really cool people and I get along with her closet friends pretty well, a lot of them are in my major so since sophomore year I have become close with a lot them.

That was sort of a random tangent and I don't want to sound like an ass, but I do care what people thing of me, not just appearance but more so impressions. I am a goofy ass kid and have a good time and will get drunk and cause a ruckus but even I find my friends embarrassing at some points (also almost none of them work and can be cheap so they hate going out, I work hard and I like to go enjoy my money, sorry) Okay I am really going to talk about what I wanted to talk about now. After I met Jen it took a while for us to become friends but once we did I was one of the few people she really every opened up to. There are maybe three people on earth excluding her mother, and if her mother knew everything she did I think she would have a heart attack. But overtime we have grown to be extremely close and for a long time I had very strong feelings for her and she would flirt with me and when she got drunk it would be obvious she was flirting but I never made my move (may be my downfall here) and I always had to listen to all the issues she had with the guys who were coming and going in her life. I talked to her about girl issues I had and then had to make up a cover story when Jake left hickies on my neck and she saw them but that was all we really talked about for my sex life.
Anyways I started dating GF2 and didn't explicitly tell her, I told other people at work and she came up to me and was like who is this girl, do you even like her, gave me the grill about it. I answered and I did like her and she knew exactly who she was, she was just being a bitch about it for some reason and got all pissed I didn't come tell her. Well the flirting dies down, we hang out still and nothing is an issue, then I leave for the summer and we talk every once and a while and one night while drunk before her birthday and she said stuff like this:
"You're missing my birthday and I'm more sad about that than I think I've ever been sad about a lot of things in a really long time... and I can't do anything but understand I guess... but still it makes everything a little less great" and "I miss you already... a lot which makes me wonder how in the world I'm going to manage graduation." (yeah I kept the message, it was one of the only nice things she has really said to me, it is a teasing kind of relationship) Anyways I get back from the summer and low and behold she has a BF, and didn't tell me even though we had been talking on a pretty regular basis.
I was pissed, it wasn't my place to be, but I was and now flash forward to our last semester at school and her getting drunk and me having to take care of her on multiple occasions. Like walk her home, get her in bed, and say goodnight. One night she asked me to stay (her and the bf are over now) and I almost did, but I think it has something to do with how I truly do care about her and I don't want anything random to happen if something were to happen. We have talked about moving to a city somewhere together with one of our other friends but that seems like just talk. I wish it wasn't sometimes...
Alright well there is my story about the coworker. I wrote that because I am going to her place tonight to hangout and I have just had it all on my mind. Here is a song by a guy I really like and if you listen to the words he talks about the clatter between his ears. I have a lot of clatter right now. Anyways guys have a good one and thanks again for reading.